
Platform Engineering: could it help my business?

The past decade has witnessed an increased empowerment of developers: from running what they build, to selecting their own microservices technology, through to self-serviced infrastructure requests. This DevOps-centric movement has brought with it lots of benefits to the software used daily, including more frequent releases and higher-quality apps. Yet, it has also created one interesting problem: duplicated efforts.  Decentralized […]


Bexprt becomes AWS Select Tier Service Partner Accredited

Bexprt are thrilled to achieve AWS Select Tier Services Partner status in the  AWS Partner Network, in record time! “Yesterday, Bexprt became the fastest regional partner to achieve this status,” shared Mo Hamdy, Bexprt Founder & MD. “I would like to thank the Bexprt team and our AWS colleagues for their commitment and hard work in achieving […]


eCommerce: optimizing for growth, minimising for risk

Big numbers, big opportunities According to their comprehensive report “The future of e-commerce in the Middle East and North Africa: examining the key drivers of growth”, Medialinks predicts that the Middle East eCommerce market is estimated to grow with a compound annual growth rate of 15 per cent in 2023 as compared to 2021. Meanwhile, Frost […]


Avoid cloud bill-shock & optimize your costs

Many enterprise customers consider cloud adoption as their ‘Noah’s Ark’ during these times of recession, yet most of them fall through a common trap-door on their way to safety! When moving workloads from on-prem CAPEX based infrastructure to a cloud provider platform who charges on a consumption basis, our experience is that few enterprises manage […]