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Avoid cloud bill-shock & optimize your costs

Many enterprise customers consider cloud adoption as their ‘Noah’s Ark’ during these times of recession, yet most of them fall through a common trap-door on their way to safety!

When moving workloads from on-prem CAPEX based infrastructure to a cloud provider platform who charges on a consumption basis, our experience is that few enterprises manage their cloud bills efficiently. But don’t worry, the Bexprt team can help you to optimise your spend.

There are six key optimization options when migrating to cloud,

  1. rightsizing
  2. autoscaling
  3. saving plans
  4. spot instances
  5. availability scheduling
  6. guardrail provisioning.

This cloud cost-optimization simulator proposed by McKinsey is a useful tool to explore optimization options.

It goes without saying that cost optimization is a use case-dependent exercise, as it requires a more holistic view of the deployment environment.

Bexprt’s skilled staff have achieved savings of up to 30% for some clients, by following cloud best practices and well architected framework principles.

If you would like to utilize Bexprt expertise to optimize your cloud bills – and avoid bill shocks – please get in touch!


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