Insights AWS news

Generative AI: where do I start?

Bexprt CTO, Mahmoud ElZayet, shares insights and updates from the AWS Summit in London this week.

“During the last decade, as a cloud leader, AWS has successfully demonstrated and enabled cloud to become the new normal. Cloud adoption became a question of when, and how, not if.

If asked to share just one strong vibe from the wonderful AWS London Summit 2024: generative AI has already pushed its way to become the new normal. These are not AWS’ words, nor mine. It’s how all sessions, conversations and content were centred around what has been achieved with GenAI, how to prepare data for GenAI, and what is the art of possible in this domain.

AWS has already evolved over the years as a company sharply focused on solutions, industries, and delivering rapid business value. The approach with GenAI is no different. The customer success stories, business achievements and new service announcements made at the AWS Summit in London this week were a true demonstration of that.

But there’s one big side effect here! You can’t mistake the anxiety or the fear of missing out around the masses who still have not adopted or planned their use of GenAI. You can’t even miss some scepticism that this is just another overhyped technology.

Here at Bexprt, having worked with customers on the ground applying GenAI to their commercial use cases, and looking back at this insightful summit, these are the takeaway points and calls for action that I suggest to overcome any remaining fear or scepticism,

  1. GenAI success stories, and the ability to add business value are published and described publicly at conferences now, across different customer sizes and industries. Keep an eye on stories in relevant industries for use cases like yours.
  2. All GenAI success stories presented at the AWS Summit in London this week were based on clearly identifying the problems to be solved and weighing whether GenAI could help solve. Don’t start from the technology and it’s potential. Start with your problem statement and business goals. GenAI is not a standalone technology. It is increasingly integrated into applications, and is just another – albeit very powerful – capability to utilise to suggest solutions for your business needs.
  3. GenAI is not a silver bullet or an answer to all business problems and it will never be. Yet, it has proven it has a place in every department, profession, or industry even if partially or as an assistant. Start shaping your GenAI strategy, your data readiness, your team up-skilling, your AI policies (are there regulatory constraints your business must comply with?), and create a safe environment for your teams to start small and find areas for adding quick business value while building muscles in the domain.

And lastly, the Bexprt team are using GenAI in client projects, and for our own internal developments. We have a number of clients utilising GenAI commercially today – for example in the building management sector for data classification, and in the public sector using sentiment analysis of client’s online comments. Thanks to early access to AWS Bedrock, our own solution, Bextract, has utilised GenAI since launch.”

Mahmoud ElZayet, Bexprt CTO.

Please get in touch if you would like to know more, we would be very happy to arrange time for an informal conversation.

  • or call / Whats App Ghaith Hamza, Business Development Manager, in English or Arabic +966569986970

AWS ExecLeaders Summit 2024, London – Anthropic – “Customers who wait for new breakthroughs and capabilities may already be 4-8 months behind”

AWS Summit London 2024 – Tanuja Randery, VP & MD EMEA AWS sharing the latest GenAI and AI updates and announcements.

AWS Summit London 2024 – Francessca Vasquez, VP Professional Services & GenAI Innovation Centre, AWS shared inspiring client success stories.

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Bexprt is an AWS Advanced Tier Services Partner, AWS Public Sector Partner, AWS Solution Provider for the Public & Commercial Sectors in 8 countries* (AWS Reseller), an Amazon RDS Delivery Partner, and Resilience Services Competency Partner.

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Discover more about Bexprt’s automated DR testing solution, Bex-DR.

* for Bahrain, Ireland, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and UK.

HQ in Wokingham, UK, and a regional office in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.  

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