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Bexprt now official Trend Micro partner

Bexprt are thrilled to announce that we are now a Trend Micro Bronze Partner.

“This partnership will enable us to provide end to end secured digital transformation,” explained Bexprt Director of Telecom Services, Ahmad Okasha. “Trend Micro has a full range of advanced security capabilities, and unified management visibility, plus optimized threat protection and flexible integrations with other security products. The partnership will enable us to augment our cloud services with additional cyber security capabilities. We really appreciate the collaborative partnership, and technical capabilities of the Trend Micro portfolio, and the support their staff provides to the Bexprt team.”

Background info. Trend Micro Inc. is a multinational cyber security software company, and the global leader in enterprise cloud security, XDR, and cybersecurity platform solutions for businesses, data centers, cloud environments, and more. Their platform delivers central visibility for better, faster detection and response and a powerful range of advanced threat defense techniques optimized for environments, like AWS, Microsoft, and Google – protecting 500,000+ organizations and 250+ million individuals across clouds, networks, devices, and endpoints.

If your business is looking to enhance it’s cyber security, get in touch, Bexprt’s Engineers are here to help.