Case Study: AWS Resilience Solution for Abdulrehman Algosaibi
Bexprt delivers AWS Disaster Recovery Solution for Abdulrehman Algosaibi, leading healthcare provider, pharmaceuticals, and medical equipment supplier in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Executive summary
As part of their ISO 27001 project, Abdulrehman Algosaibi identified that they needed to implement a Disaster Recovery plan for thirteen on-premise servers. A secondary on-premise DR site was considered, but assessed as too costly and time-consuming to deploy, so the decision was made to use the cloud; AWS was selected and Bexprt engaged.
Bexprt proposed a number of options, with key features, advantages, and costs identified; AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery was selected, utilizing the AWS Pilot Light strategy.
Following a successful Proof of Concept, Abdulrehman Algosaibi decided to move ahead with the full DR project; the team was very satisfied with the results, ISO compliance, and on-target costs. Subsequently, further new projects have been initiated, including the migration of competitor cloud workloads to AWS.

About the client
Founded in 1944, Abdulrehman Algosaibi is the leading healthcare provider, pharmaceuticals, and medical equipment supplier in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
They have a long history of supporting their partners, clients, and employees to meet their duties as a healthcare provider, ensuring that patients receive the best care possible.
The challenge & cloud opportunity
- The team at Abdulrehman Algosaibi wanted to swiftly deploy a Disaster Recovery solution to ensure ISO 27001 compliance for on-premise servers, in a tight timescale.
- This would be the first cloud project for Abdulrehman Algosaibi, a technical learning curve.
The solution & services used
- Bexprt workshops: full ISO compliance requirements understood, as well as business expectations and anticipated future needs.
- AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery was selected, utilizing the AWS Pilot Light strategy.
- AWS DataSync used to replicate native backups taken for legacy servers
Optimized Disaster Recovery Solution
- The four AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery strategies are illustrated below.
- Abdulrehman Algosaibi selected AWS Pilot Light strategy: data is transferred from the primary on-premise servers to AWS continuously, but without running any servers on the AWS DR region.
- AWS DataSync used to replicate native backups taken for legacy servers, to an AWS S3 Bucket.

The results & benefits
- Disaster Recovery Solution successfully deployed in record time to achieve the clients’ ISO project timelines.
- AWS Pilot Light configured to help achieve RTO and RPO of 10’s of minutes.
- Very successful Disaster Recovery project and ISO 27001 compliance have given the client the experience and confidence to move forward with significant further cloud migrations.

Abdulrehman Algosaibi & Saudi Cloud Summit

In a Panel Discussion at the Saudi Cloud Summit 2023, Abdallah Ibrahim Amin, Abdulrehman Algosaibi Infrastructure Manager, joined Mohamed Laimon, AWS Senior Partner Development Manager for Saudi Arabia & Bahrain on stage with Ghaith Hamzah Bexprt Business Development Manager to discuss the project. As well as describing the successful Disaster Recovery project, the team discussed other project benefits.
Often, Disaster Recovery solutions are the first experience a business has of migrating to the cloud. As Abdulrehman Algosaibi experienced, this first DR project was the start of a fruitful learning journey about the cloud, and new and more efficient ways of working. Further cloud projects are now underway at Abdulrehman Algosaibi with Bexprt and AWS, and substantial benefits are already being delivered.

“When we started this project the team at Abdulrehman Algosaibi had limited experience of cloud solutions. Working with Bexprt, we really benefitted from their expertise and knowledge; they guided us through the whole process, answering all our questions, and ensuring we understood the options, benefits and features of different solutions.
The Bexprt team took care to understand all of our current use cases, and ISO requirements, as well as to consider future needs.
The AWS Pilot Light strategy was successfully implemented, and the ISO compliance team are confident in the solution.
This first AWS cloud project has been so successful that, thanks to the Bexprt team, we are now moving ahead with further significant cloud migration projects.”
Abdallah Ibrahim Amin, Infrastructure Manager, Abdulrehman Algosaibi

How can Bexprt help you?
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