
Bex-DR provides continuous drill testing of your disaster recovery solution over AWS, so that you have the insights needed to ensure regulatory compliance or achieve business disaster recovery objectives.

‘Everything fails all the time. We needed to build systems that embrace failure as a natural occurrence.’ Werner Vogels, CTO

Resiliency is the ability for a system to recover from load, attacks, failures; optimized systems should be designed for high availability, and designed for failure. Disaster Recovery solutions help ensure that your systems can recover – but you need to know that the recovery objectives set by the business can be achieved.

Bex-DR is commercially available now + has achieved AWS Qualified Software status + Professional Services for Bex-DR are also available over AWS Marketplace.

Bex-DR is the first solution in the Bex-360™ suite of DR and Resilience solutions.

Use case example

The client has an AWS disaster recovery solution in place, but when actioned there’s no guarantee the backups in place are the latest, recoverable or consistent, unless these are continuously tested. Their confidence in the “recovery” is low, they’re not sure whether the solution they are paying for is good value for money,  and they are uncertain if they are fulfilling their compliance requirements.

Solution description: Bex-DR

Automated Disaster Recovery Testing

Having a DR solution is one thing, knowing how good it is, is another. Bex-DR provides you with the data and insights to understand the performance of your DR solution, and identify issues.

  • Continuous testing of recoverability
  • Continuous testing of RTO/RPO
  • Reduce error-prone manual testing

And if you don’t have a Disaster Recovery or Resiliency solution in place yet? The Bexprt Team can help you with that too, discover more about our Resilience capabilities, and AWS Resilience Competency status.

Bex-DR features and benefits

Powered by AWS automation, Bex-DR is fully customizable

  • Ensuring you meet your compliance and reporting requirements

Generates reports and KPIs automatically

  • Automatically generate high level management reports

Continuous drill tests dispatch performed

  • Constantly checking on system performance 

Drill down for fully detailed technical reporting

More information

Bex-DR was launched, with a live demo, at Saudi Cloud Summit 2023, and is part of the Bex-360 suite of solutions.

AWS Qualified Software – find confirmation of this status on the AWS Partner Solution Finder site.

Commercially available now + Professional Services for Bex-DR available over AWS Marketplace.

Bex-DR animation – English

Bex-DR Solution Brief

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