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Cloud migration & carbon footprint reduction

Curious to know more about how moving to the cloud can reduce your carbon footprint?

Sustainability was a key element of AWS CTO Dr Werner Vogels’ keynote at AWS re:Invent 2023 last week.

In describing his Frugal Architect approach, he proposed that cost and sustainability should be treated as non-functional requirements, alongside security, compliance and availability.

Further, that the resources used in cloud computing can be a good approximation for the carbon footprint of the solution, making it an essential factor in building sustainable architectures.

The Bexprt team can help you assess your technology landscape and identify optimizations.

And if you need hard data, online tools from our Cloud Partners will help you to,

📍Accurately measure your cloud-related carbon footprint

📍Share calculation methodology with reviewers

📍Track your emissions profile and progress

📍Assess changes and forecast future impact.

Want to know more? 📧

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