AWS Well-Architected
Framework Review

What is a AWS Well-Architected Framework Review?

The AWS Well-Architected Framework Review helps to assess the pros and cons of decisions made when building systems on AWS. Using the Framework helps increase understanding of architectural best practices for designing and operating secure, reliable, efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable workloads in the AWS Cloud. It provides a way to consistently measure architectures against best practices and identify areas for improvement.

This isn’t an audit – it’s a process for reviewing your AWS architecture, in a constructive conversation about architectural decisions.

Best practices continue to evolve, and new AWS features and capabilities are being continuously deployed – there are almost always enhancements, improvements and efficiencies that can be made! The Bexprt team will work with you, and guide you through the Framework, to optimize your AWS deployment.

Step 1: review workshop

  • Working collaboratively with your team, we assess your cloud capabilities against the six pillars of well-architected operations: reliability, cost optimization, sustainability, performance efficiency, security and operational excellence.
  • We consider how your business operates today, and any future changes you have planned.
  • Output: Report with areas of potential improvement, grouped into high and medium-risk issues, and recommendations, based on AWS best practices. Addresses current issues, and can help to avoid potential future problems.

Step 2: select risks to address

  • Together, we select which risks to address and remediate – typically, those that deliver the greatest benefit to your AWS environment and your business.

Step 3: remediate risks

  • The Bexprt team works with you to remediate the agreed risks. We utilize AWS best practices and templates, and custom solutions as needed, to best address your specific needs and business use cases.

Benefits of AWS Well-Architected Framework Review

  • A full report of your AWS’ account status, and transparency of potential issues to help you mitigate future business risks.
  • A roadmap for improved architecture: aligned with your business plans, and focused on areas that will deliver the biggest impact.
  • After remediation of risks, an improved AWS environment which more closely aligns with the AWS Well-Architectured Framework.
  • Accelerated innovation: an optimized architecture ensures that deployment of new capabilities and technologies on AWS can be efficiently deployed, enhancing your time to market.
  • Staff knowledge: we help your team to establish and enhance good architectural habits, reduce risks, and respond faster to changes that affect designs, applications, and workloads.

Read more about the AWS Well-Architected Review Framework.

Bexprt’s Professional and Managed Services are available directly from Bexprt, or via AWS Marketplace.